





Personal documents(フライトに所持しなければならない必要な書類)(PPL&IFR)

Minimum Equipment(VFR&IFR)


  1. MEL (Minimum Equipment List)※JET等の大型機
  2. 91 (Part 91 205 b~d)※b=DAY C=Night D=IFR)項目が記載されている条項
  3. POH (pilot's operating handbook)
  4. T ypes certification for specific aircraft
  5. AD's
  6. Safety flight

AD's : AD's are legally enforceable rules issued by FAA in accordance with Part 39 to correct an unsafe condition in a product. if you move the aircraft for maintenance from other airport to home airport, must receive the Special airworthiness certificate or Flight permit from FSDO

Private pilot license(期限はあるか。試験内容など)※CPL共通

How to maintain currency? ; You have to do the flight review every 24 calendar month.

Currency Requirement


Carrying passenger requirements (旅客を乗せる際の必要事項)※CPL共通

参考:Night logged time : End of evening civil twilight to Start of morning civil twilight

※For the purposes of currency : you must use the period of 1 hour after sunset to 1 hour before sunrise


Airworthy requirements(I D E P)


[A-Annual inspection][V-VOR check],[I-100h inspection],[A-Altimeter and static pressure systems],[T-Transponder][E-ELT] ※要暗記 各種概要&有効期限


※For checkride minimums[ATE] For hire[A1TE]


[S-Supplements][P-Placard][A-Airworthiness Certificate],[R-Registration Certificate],[R-Radio certificate],[O-operator's manual],[Weight and balance] ※要暗記 各種概要&有効期限


(E) Equipment(Minimum equipment: M,91,P,T,A,S,)※前述

(P)Preflight check


CPL Privileges & limitations


  • compensation or hire
  • Engage in operation under 119 exceptions
  • Private carriage


  • Limited range without IFR. In day up to 50NM. in night prohibited
  • No common carriage (as Part 121 and Part 135)

Common carriage applies

  • Holding out or willingness to(会社として事業の広告が出来る の意)
  • Fly persons or properly
  • From A to B
  • For compensation or hire

※もしCommon carriageかPrivate carriageの判断に迷った場合には、インストラクター若しくはFSDO(Flight Standards District Office)へ確認する必要あり


Medical certification (in Part67)

EX) when your first class medical expired, it becomes down grade?

⇒No. stay 1st class, but lose the privileges of 1st class medical.

※1st Class(40歳以下として)の適用期間1年間が過ぎてしまった場合、3rd Classにダウングレードするわけではなく、1stのまま3rdの要件が適用される事になります。


It compensates less medical requirements for CFI,Students and Private pilots.



  • Flight without MED
  • Cheap cost to obtain


  • No pay
  • fly into Class A airspace
  • aircraft weight limit 6,000lbs
  • up to 6 passengers



Flight category (Normal / Utility)

what is Utility category? - which is category of weight balance. it is defined by Weight and CG. in which limited aerobatics and increase the sustained G load.

What is your aircraft's positive/Negative load factor in Utility category? ※機種によって異なります。詳しくは対応機種のPOHを確認

Pressure altitude

Definition; it is the height above a standard datum plane. which is theoretical level where the weight of the atmosphere is 29.92inHg.

求め方:空港のQNHが30.92、空港の高度が1000ft MSLだった場合

29.92 - 30.42 = - 0.5 ⇒ x1000= - 500ft

空港高度1000ft-500ft = Pressure altitude 500ft

Density altitude

Density altitude is pressure altitude corrected for temperature.

True airspeed

True airspeed is account for instrument error, temperature and pressure


Hypoxia 4types (低酸素症)

状態: Lack of Ox in the body

症状(Symptoms):headache, muscle fatigue and cyanosis.

療養(Remedy):Descent, Fresh air, Stop pulling the G's

Hypoxic hypoxia

  • It occurs when fly in high altitude

Hypemic hypoxia

  • Chemical inability to transport the Ox
  • It may be occurred by CO poisoning

Stagnant hypoxia

  • Physical inability
  • Body disease may cause hyperventilation
  • High G’s(戦闘機の急激な上昇等で発生する高G状態)

Histoxic hypoxia

  • Caused by Drug and alcohol


Carbon Monoxide Poisoning(CO Poisoning)  一酸化炭素中毒

Hemoglobin integrate CO instead of Ox. It will cause headache, muscle fatigue and cyanosis.

Hyperventilation (過呼吸)

  • caused by Anxiety
  • Decreased CO2 in the blood


  • Suffocation(窒息)
  • Drowsiness(眠気)
  • Rapid pulse and breathing rate.


Decompression sickness(減圧症)

it is disorder in which nitrogen dissolved in the blood and tissues by high pressure forms bubbles as pressure decreases .

※Flight after diving(ダイビングに関連する症状)

  • No Decompression dive (single day) :you should wait to fly longer than 12hour (減圧のための待機が必要ない場合)
  • No Decompression dive(multiple day) :you should wait to fly longer than 18hour (減圧のための待機が必要ない場合)
  • Decompression dive  :you should wait to fly longer than 24hour (減圧が必要なダイビングの場合)


AIRMET (is advises of weather that maybe hazardous, other than convective activity, for all pilots)


  • T : Turbulence (1) Moderate turbulence (2)Surface wind greater than 30kts
  • S : IFR (1) IFR condition (2)Extensive mountain obscuration
  • Z : Icing (1)Moderate icing (2)Freezing levels

※ Routinely issued for 6 hour periods

SIGMET (Severe weather for all aircraft)

  • S evere icing not associated with thunderstorm
  • S evere Turbulence
  • S and storm / Dust storm
  • V olcano ash

※ Routinely issued for 4 hour periods

Convective SIGMET (Severe weather without icing)

  • Severe thunderstorm winds greater than 50kts
  • Hail greater than 3/4 inches
  • Embedded thunderstorms
  • Tornado

International Standard Atmosphere (ISA) 国際標準大気

It is Standard atmospheric conditions consisting of a temperature 15℃ and barometric pressure of 29.92 inHg.

Atmospheric stability (大気の安定性)

It is defined as the resistance of the atmosphere to vertical motion.


Type of Heating

  • Radiation(輻射加熱)
  • Convection(対流加熱)
  • Induction(誘導加熱)



It is the amount ratio of water vapor in the air.

Dew point(露点)

The air must be cooled to become saturated with water vapor.


Made by

Moist air, Updraft wind, Unstable pressure lapse rate

Life cycle

The developing stage, the mature stage, and the dissipating stage.

Keep distance to fly

longer than 20NM


The air rises and rotates around a vertical axis. They are most often associated with a localized low pressure region within a severe thunderstorm.

Clear Air Turbulence(CAT)

It is defined as sudden severe turbulence occurring in cloudless area. That causes violent buffeting of aircraft.


A squall is a sudden/sharp increase in wind speed lasting minutes.

Squall line generally form along or ahead of cold fronts.

It can produce severe weather such as heavy rainfall, strong winds, large hail, lighting.


It is a relatively small diameter columns of violently rotating air developed within a convective cloud that is inn contact with the ground, usually in associated with thunderstorm.

☆Difference between tornado and hurricanes. Hurricanes are formed over warm water as sea. Tornadoes are formed over land.


it are storms that contain updraft that rotate around vertical axis

Hail form

Hail forms from raindrops that are carried upward by the updraft into a very cold part of the storm where it freezes into a tiny ball of ice. The hail stone will circulate within the storm cloud until it becomes too heavy for the updraft to support it.

Frost condition

Temperature of collecting surface at or below dewpoint, then dew point below freezing.

Freezing rain

Rain where the temperature of drops is below 0℃ and which contacts with surfaces that hace a temoerature lower than 0℃



Advection fog (By wind)

Low layer of warm air with moist move over a cool surface.

Radiation fog :Ground fog(by Temperature inversion)

Forms at night with clear and calm small temperature spread.

Upslope fog(By wind)

It happened when wind push moist air up to mountains.

Steam fog: Sea smoke(By evaporation)

It happened water vaper is added to the air by evaporation with mixed cold air.

Very cold air moves over the (warm) water.

Aircraft Systems


Aircraft information

暗記事項:機体の諸元、エンジン情報(メーカー、最高出力馬力&指定回転数、排気量、圧縮率、エンジンタイプ他)、プロペラ情報(枚数、メーカー、径、タイプ)、機体パフォーマンス(最大重量、荷物許容重量、各種Airspeed Limitation(例:Vne, Vno,Va,Vfe,Vso,Vs,Vref他))Va 計算方法


Flight control system



Combusts explosively instead of evenly


  • Too lean of a mixture
  • Wrong fuel grade (low)


  • Enrich mixture
  • reduce RPM
  • Lower nose


Premature ignition of Fuel/Air mixture


  • Hot spot in cylinder
  • poorly time magneto
  • bad spark plug


  • Enrich mixture
  • reduce RPM
  • Lower nose


  • Purpose : Lubricant, cooling, Clean, Seals pistons
  • capacity : ※POH確認のほど
  • Operating range : Oil pressure (operation 〇〇~●●psi Green range 〇〇~●●psi ) Oil temperature (〇〇~●●℃)※POH確認のほど


  • Fuel capacity : Usable/ Unusable ※POH確認のほど
  • Purpose of fuel strainer : Prevent contaminants into the cylinder
  • Pressure Operating range : 〇〇~●●psi ※POH確認のほど
  • Fuel grade : ※POH確認のほど
  • Fuel requirement for VFR : Departure to the point of first intended landing airport+30min with normal cruise.

Ignition System



  • Dual spark plugs in each cylinder
  • 1 magneto and EIS
  • ※EIS is coil pack + aided by battery power and alternator. Computer makes timing for spark plug perfectly.


Purpose : Mix the fuel and air.

Carburetor icing is made by

  • Less than 70F with moisture
  • Engine low power

Fuel system(Schematic/Selector)

  • Electric fuel pump is for redundancy
  • primer has 3 injection. because Flood prevention ※要POH確認

Alternator and starter (Wiring diagram※配線図)


  • 14V 60 amp alternator
  • 12V battery
  • the reasons why the difference between 14V and 12 V is because the electrical currency flew from high voltage to low voltage.
  • What is solenoid

Heating and ventilating systems


  • The warmer air is made by the heat of muffler
  • The cab heat system uses the exhaust manifold's heat.

Landing gear (Brakes/Struts system/)

  • Tricycle landing gear
  • The 3 struts are of the air-oil type
  • Disc brakes with hydraulic brake fluid

Sectional chart



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