【PPL】Power on Stall



FAA-H-8083-2, FAA-H-8083-3; AC 61-67; POH/AFM


To determine that the applicant exhibits satisfactory knowledge, risk management, and skills
associated with power-on stalls.


PA.VII.C.K1 Aerodynamics associated with stalls in various airplane configurations, to include the relationship between angle of attack, airspeed, load factor, power setting, airplane weight and center of gravity, airplane attitude, and yaw effects

PA.VII.C.K2 Stall characteristics (i.e., airplane design) and impending stall and full stall indications (i.e., how to recognize by sight, sound, or feel). 

PA.VII.C.K3 Factors and situations that can lead to a power-on stall and actions that can be taken to prevent it

PA.VII.C.K4 Fundamentals of stall recovery.

リスクマネージメント:Risk Management

PA.VII.C.R1 Factors and situations that could lead to an inadvertent power-on stall, spin, and loss of control.

PA.VII.C.R2 Range and limitations of stall warning indicators (e.g., airplane buffet, stall horn, etc.).

PA.VII.C.R3 Failure to recognize and recover at the stall warning during normal operations.

PA.VII.C.R4 Improper stall recovery procedure.

PA.VII.C.R5 Secondary stalls, accelerated stalls, elevator trim stalls, and cross-control stalls.

PA.VII.C.R6 Effect of environmental elements on airplane performance related to power-on stalls (e.g., turbulence, microbursts, and high-density altitude).

PA.VII.C.R7 Collision hazards, to include aircraft, terrain, obstacles, and wires.

PA.VII.C.R8 Distractions, improper task management, loss of situational awareness, or disorientation.


PA.VII.C.S1 Clear the area.

PA.VII.C.S2 Select an entry altitude that will allow the Task to be completed no lower than 1,500 feet AGL (ASEL, ASES) or 3,000 feet AGL (AMEL, AMES).

PA.VII.C.S3 Establish the takeoff, departure, or cruise configuration, as specified by the evaluator, and maintain coordinated flight throughout the maneuver.

PA.VII.C.S4 Set power (as assigned by the evaluator) to no less than 65 percent power.

PA.VII.C.S5 Transition smoothly from the takeoff or departure attitude to the pitch attitude that will induce a stall.

PA.VII.C.S6 Maintain a specified heading ±10° if in straight flight; maintain a specified angle of bank not to exceed 20°, ±10° if in turning flight, while inducing the stall.

PA.VII.C.S7 Acknowledge cues of the impending stall and then recover promptly after a full stall occurs.

PA.VII.C.S8 Execute a stall recovery in accordance with procedures set forth in the POH/AFM.

PA.VII.C.S9 Configure the airplane as recommended by the manufacturer, and accelerate to VX or VY.

PA.VII.C.S10 Return to the altitude, heading, and airspeed specified by the evaluator.


  1. 準備
    1. 空域の安全確認 →クリアリング ターン
    2. 地上目標の設定 →左右のブレを防ぐため
    3. ※Stallは風上に向かって行います。
  2. 開始
    1. Reduce power(約1,500RPM)→高度を保ったまま減速
    2. Non Flapで55KT※Rotating airspeedまで減速 →C172Rの場合
    3. Full powerで機首を15°程度上げる。20°は超えないよう注意
    4. Stall状態になった際には”Stall call”をする
  3. リカバリー
    1. Stallした翼の反対側のラダーを踏む。エルロンは使用しない(例、左側が下がっていれば右ラダー。別の言い方だと、翼が高い方を踏む)
    2. 機首を水平線(よりやや低め)程度にし、速度に注意し回復操作
    3. left tendencyに注意し、Right rudderを使用。




  • 目標を前方上に設定する。若しくはHeading indicatorを意識する
  • 機首上げの際には特にLeft tendencyに注意
  • 針路を保持するために、エルロンを無闇に使用しない事(特に失速)
  • 開始高度より下がらない事


Power off stall同様、手順はインストラクターによって異なる場合がありますので、実施要領はご参考に。


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